The following are the Information Technology strategic goals and objectives that must be achieved in order to fulfill the mission and vision of the District.

Support Instruction and Learning with Technology

As part of the District's commitment to model best practice in instructional and service delivery, provide leadership and support for effective, high-quality instruction and learning outcomes through the appropriate use of technology.

Enhance Services to Students through Technology

Use technology to provide and enhance student support services, enabling student access.聽 Advance technology offerings, enabling greater student success and access. Such advancements could include tools like online financial aid resources, scholarship application resources, online orientation, self-service degree audit, 24/7 help desk or tutoring, application delivery via virtual desktop services, and greater access to digital learning materials.

Support Communications, Collaboration and Innovation across the District

Use technology to enable communications and collaboration, leading to the development of high-quality, innovative educational programs and services.

Improve Service Delivery and Broaden Support

Streamline processes and implement technology to improve service delivery, and broaden support services with extended hours to support online learning.

Develop Sustainable Funding Strategies for IT

In a time of economic scarcity, develop funding strategies in order to sustain and enhance mission-critical technologies.

Support Green Computing Initiatives

Implement 'green' technologies to reduce overall energy consumption and extend hardware lifecycles.

Enhance Information Security

Use best practices and implement technologies to enhance information security and enable compliance, ensuring confidentiality, information integrity, and availability.

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Mission & Vision听触 Strategic Goals & Objectives听触Strategic Initiatives